Five Animal Frolics

In the springtime I teach the Five Animal Frolics which is the most ancient Qigong system still practiced today. It is one of the oldest healing practices in the world created by Hua Tuo (110-207 A.D.), who is considered the “father of Traditional Chinese Medicine”.

The Five Animal Frolics, modeled after the Crane, Bear, Monkey, Deer and Tiger are very graceful dance-like exercises. These movements offer a complete system of Qigong which can improve balance, develop strength, grace, flexibility, and an abundance of healing energy.

“The Crane is the symbol of meditative stillness and longevity. The Bear is the symbol of strength, power and healing wisdom. The Monkey is light, playful, brings agility, and loves to move. The Deer symbolizes relaxed elegance, beauty, fluidity of movement and consciousness. And the Tiger is the king of all animals, symbolizing courage and helps to build up positive forms of assertive energy.” (K.Cohen)

Each animal’s strengths develops and heals different aspects of the human body, mind and spirit, creating overall balance and well-being. The 5 Animal Frolics is based on the teachings of Master Kenneth Cohen.

The 5 Animals Frolic instructional DVD created by Dove can be ordered through

After practicing the Five Animal Frolics, it is recommended that one do standing meditation or walking then sitting meditation for a few minutes to reap in the full benefits from this qigong practice.

“The Five Animal Frolics° was written by Kenneth Cohen and excerpts were taken from his book, The Way of Oigong, and from his video tape on the Five Animal Frolics. The movement descriptions are short hand notes prepared by Dove Govrin.

The qigong form, The Five Animals Frolics® was taught to Kenneth Cohen by taichi and qi gong instructor Dan Farber of Kentfield, Ca. who shared this wealth of information to Dove.






All 5 Animal Frolics Videos

Five Animal Frolics- Kenneth Cohen