All Crane Frolic techniques begin from the Crane Stance. Maintaining the principles of qigong posture, stand with feet together, 45 degree angle between feet. The knees are only slightly bent. The body is tall and open, like a great pine tree. The eyes gaze long, into the distance. Throughout the Crane, the body should have lightness, like a cloud you should feel finely and delicately balanced. A Crane can stand for hours, balanced on one toothpick leg, completely still, as though asleep, yet perfectly alert. When a fish swims by, whoosh! It is caught.
Crane movements are practiced at a relaxed, slow and even pace, as a though swimming through air. The Crane is like a meditative dance with distinct techniques. Repeat each for 9 (8) times, then pause and move to the next.
(Note b-in stands for breath in, b-out means breathe out, C means center, R means right and L means left, and SW means shift weight, F for forward and B for Back and ROS means repeat to the other side).
1.Standing Crane: b-in as palms raise, b-out as return to LDT
2.Crane’s Beak: Fingers form beak & lift 6 in. above shoulders b-in.
3.Crane Flaps Wings: b-out wings float down, return on b .. in
4.Crane Squatting: Palms up bend knees b-in, return to stand b-out
5.One Legged Crane: b-out squat embrace, b-in one leg arms out
6.Crane Spreads Wings: b-in arms open back R foot R corer/C b¬out
7.Walking Crane: R heel, SW arms open/SWB arms down, open R toe
8.Extend Walle SW on L foot as R foot F, L arm extend Fl step on R
9.One Leg Walk: Like above, R foot touch L knee before step on R
After practicing the Five Animal Frolics, it is recommended that one do standing meditation or walking then Sitting Meditation for a few minutes to reap in the full benefits from this qigong practice.
“The Five Animal Frolics° was written by Kenneth Cohen and excerpts were taken from his book, The Way of Oigong, and from his video tape on the Five Animal Frolics. The movement descriptions are short hand notes prepared by Dove Govrin.
The qigong form, The Five Animals Frolics® was taught to Kenneth Cohen by taichbi and qi gong instructor Dan Farber of Kentfield, Ca. who shared this wealth of information to Dove.